Type of Speech:
Curriculum that teaches abstention from sexual activity until marriage.
Additional Information:
Advocates of abstinence-only education argue that it is the only way to prevent unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases among teens. Opponents argue that it does not provide teens with comprehensive sex education that outlines the range of options for safe sexual behavior, responsible reproductive choices, and information on sexual orientation.
For further explanation:
- Sex education in North Carolina is outlined in the Healthful Living Curriculum.
- Rethinking Schools published "Abstinence-Only Education Continues to Flourish" to challenge abstinence-only programs in favor of more comprehensive sex education options.
- See also “Abstinence Education: What Are My Options?“ from ReCAPP (Resources Center for Adolescent Pregnancy), part of its Skills for Educators.
- “Information and Resources“ of the SIECUS-the Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States website includes resources for comprehensive and abstinence-only sex education.